Dr.Paawul T. Williyam Bakister/Paul Baxter Bara 1954 Keessa Aadaa fi Seenaa Oromoo Barachuu fi Barreessuu Jalqbe

Dr.Paawul Bakisiter 1925-2014.Doktorii kun bara 1954 jalqabee aadaa fi Gadaa Oromoo barachuu jalqabee Bitootessa 28,2014tti ganna 89-tti UK-tti lubbuu dhabe

‘Hariyaa fi jaalii Oromoo guddaan’ seenaa, aadaa fi Gadaa Oromoo kitaabaa fi waan akka akka irratti barreess jalqabe kun bara Waraan Addunyaa Lammeessoo keessa Itoophiyaa dhufee.

Dr.Paawul,P.T.W bara 1925 Ingiliizitti dhalatee biyyuma sunitti yuniversitii beekamtuu Kambiriijitti baranoota antiroopoloojii baratee,yuniversitii Oksfoorditti doktora tahee UK keessaa yuniversitii gara garaa barsiisa.

Barnootuma suniin aadaafi gadaa Oromoo barachuuf Keenyaa fi Itoophiyaa dhufe.Akka doktora Gammachu Magarsaa barsiisaan seenaa fi aadaa Oromoo Dr.Gammachuu Magarsa jedhutti Dr.Paul nama duraa dansooma Oromoo,aada fi Gadaa isaa addunyaa barsiise ka duraati,hariyaa Oromoo jabaa.

Dr.Paawul warra Waldaa Qorannoo Oromoo,OSA yayyabe keessallee tokko jehdan.Bara 1954 aadaa fi seenaa Oromoo barachuuf Keenyaa dhufee aadaa Gadaa Booranaa baratee, Gujiitti dabree, Arsii kofalee fi Walloollee gahee jireenna Oromoo barreesse.

Dr.P.T.W Gurrnadhalaa 28, 2014, Manchesteritti ganna 89tti lubbuu dhabe,jaare.Abbaan ilmaatii nama akaakuullee arge.Jaartiin isaa nama ganna 87ti,Machesteri jiraatti. Dr.Pawul,Bitootessa 18,2014 awwaalan.

Mee waan namii Dr.Paawul waliin hojjate ka akka Dr.Gammachuu Magarsaa faan jedhan caqasaa Kitaabaabaa fi barreeffama akka akkaa Dr.Paawul barreesse fi gulaale jedhan keessaa haga tokkollee laalaa.

1. “The Social Organization of the [Oromo] of Northern Kenya,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Oxford University, 1954.

2. “Repetition in Certain Boran Ceremonies” In African Systems of Thought, ed. M. Fortes and G. Dieterlin, (London: Oxford University Press for International African Institute, 1960), 64-78.

3. “Acceptance and Rejection of Islam among the Boran of the Northern Frontier District of Kenya” In Islam in Tropical Africa, edited by I.O. Lewis (London: Oxford University Press, 1966), 233-250.

4. “Stock Management and the Diffusion of Property Rights among the Boran” In Proceedings of the Third International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, (Addis Ababa: Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Haile Selassie I University, 1966), 116-127.

5. “Some Preliminary Observations on a type of Arssi Song” In Proceedings of the Third International Congress of Ethiopian Studies, ed. E. Cerulli (Rome: 1972).

6. “Boran Age-Sets and Generation-set: Gada, a Puzzle or a maze?” In Age Generation and time: Some Features of East African Age Oroganisations, ed. P.T.W. Baxter and U. Almagor, ( London: C. Hurst, 1978), 151-182.

7. “Ethiopia’s Unacknowledged Problem: The Oromo”, African Affairs, Volume 77, Number 208 (1978): 283-296.
8. “Atete: A Congregation of Arssi Women” North East African Studies, Volume I (1979), 1-22.

9. Boran Age-Sets and Warfare”, in Warfare among East African Herders, ed. D. Turton and K. Fukui, Senri Ethnological Studies, Number 3, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology( 1979), 69-95.

10. “Always on the outside looking in: A view of the 1969 Ethiopian elections from a rural constituency” Ethnos, Number 45(1980): 39-59.

11. “The Problem of the Oromo or the Problem for the Oromo” in Nationalism and Self-Determination in the Horn of Africa, ed. I.M. Lewis, (London: Ithaca Press, 1983), 129-150.

12. “Butter for Barley and Barley for Cash: Petty Transactions and small Transformations in an Arssi Market” In Proceedings of Seventh Congress of Ethiopian Studies (Lund: 1984), 459-472.

13. “The Present State of Oromo Studies: a Resume,” Bulletin des Etudes africaine de l’ Inalco, Vol. VI, Number 11(1986): 53-82.

14. “Giraffes and Poetry: Some Observations on Giraffe Hunting among the Boran” Paiduma: Mitteilungen fur Kulturkunde Volume 32 (1986), 103-115.
15. “Some Observations on the short Hymns sung in Praise of Shaikh Nur Hussein of Bale” In The Diversity of the Muslim Community, ed. Ahmed el –Shahi, (London: Ithaca Press, 1987), 139-152.

16. “L’impact de la revolution chez les Oromo: Commentl’ont-ils percu, comment ont-ils reagi?” In La Revolution ethiopienne comme phenomene de societe, edited by Joseph Tubiana, (Paris: l’Harmattan, Bibliotheque Peiresc, 1990), 75-92.

17. “Big men and cattle licks in Oromoland” Social change and Applied Anthropology; Essays in Honor of David David W. Brokensha, edited by Miriam Chaiken & Anne K. Fleuret,( Boulder: Westview Press, 1990), 246-261.

18. “Oromo Blessings and Greetings” In The Creative Communion, edited by Anita Jacoson-Widding & W. Van Beek (Uppsala, Uppsala Studies in Cultural Anthropology , 1990), 235-250.

19. “Introduction “In Guji Oromo Culture in Southern Ethiopia by J. Van de Loo, ( Berli: ReinMer, 1991).

20. “Ethnic Boundaries and Development: Speculations on the Oromo Case” In Inventions and Boundaries: Historical and Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Ethnicity & Nationalism, edited by Kaarsholm Preben & Jan Hultin, (Denmark: Roskilde University, 1994): 247-260.

21. “The Creation & Constitution of Oromo Nationality” In Ethnicity & Conflict in the Horn of Africa, edited by Fukui Katsuyoshi & John Markarkis, (London: James Currey, 1994): 166-86.

22. “Towards a Comparative Ethnography of the Oromo” In Being and Becoming Oromo: Historical & Anthropological Enquiries, edited by Paul Baxter et al, (Uppsala: Nordiska Afikanistitutet, 1996): 178-189.

23. “Components of moral Ethnicity: The case of the Oromo.” In Ethnicity and the state in Eastern Africa, edited by Mohammed Salih & John Markarkis, (Uppsala: OSSREA & SIAS, 1998).

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